Monday, May 7, 2018

Slug Control

This info is copied in part from:
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Slug &snail baits with Metaldehyde (such as Ortho) are not very effective. They are also sufficiently toxic that such baits are not recommended for use around edible vegetables, & can be harmful to dogs, cats, & fish.
Iron phosphate is more effective than Metaldehyde because Metaldehyde ceases to be functional when it gets rained on or if you water the garden, whereas Iron phosphate remains active even with repeat wettings, easily up to two weeks.
Iron phosphate is completely safe for pets or beneficial insects & is safe to use around vegetables. Sluggo & Escar-Go brands are two that consist of Iron phosphate. It's not as cheap as Metaldehyde, but then it's not money wasted as it is with other slug baits, & it's a garden nutrient rather than a toxic chemical, so worth a little more. Because Iron phosphate remains active longer, it requires less to be used to kill more slugs, so in fact it is more cost-effective.

The best time for long-term control is to treat the whole garden in the dampness of autumn. That way, come spring, there will be very few adult slugs to lay their eggs. Another treatment might be useful in late winter or early spring. I've found that twice a year does the trick. And of all the things I ever tried previously, none of them achieved the level of effectiveness I now take for granted.

copyright © by Paghat the Ratgirl
photo by:Organic Lifestyle Magazine

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