Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Vegetable Gardening- more tips

1.      Plant a few flowers throughout the garden to attract bees for pollination. See blog post ‘Flowers and Activities to Attract Bees’. 

2.      Planting onions throughout the garden (except near peas and beans) can deter many insects. 

Some flowering plants that also have repelling effects are marigolds, petunias, chrysanthemums, lavender, mint, basil, and rosemary.

Pollination occurs when the pollen from the male flower (the one with the stamen) brushes up against the pistol on the female flower.
-         Animals, insects, wind, water, or just bushing against the plants can make this happen.
-         If none of these are around to pollinate the plant, you can do it yourself. You can use a Q-tip to rub pollen off the male flower ands rub it onto the female flower (it’s the one that is a little swollen under the flower), or you can cut off the male flower, take off the petals and rub it onto the center of the female flower.

pollination photo by : VegiBee