Monday, October 26, 2015

Irrigation Systems for the Residential Landscape

Looking to have someone install an irrigation system in your yard? Price is not always the deciding factor.

A responsible irrigation specialist will use quality, compatible products and plan out your system so there are no dry spots; no collateral damage (eg. water on buildings or  sidewalks); no wastage of water; and incorporates matched precipitation rates specific to zones of the lawn area and the planting beds and trees, to ensure the correct amount of water to each area. They will determine the soil type which regulates the frequency and distribution of the water, and they will work with the amount of pressure and volume of water each residence has at the point of connection.

This usually means a more expensive system upon installation but it will save you in the long run, considering a good system should last about 20 years.

Since installing a system requires digging trenches in your yard, it makes good sense to install the system after you plan your yard, (where you want planting beds and trees) but before you lay sod or seed your lawn.

Before you choose an irrigation company, ask for a detailed plan from the contractor, and a list of or references, or sites where they have installed irrigation systems.

You will also want to know how to maintain the system and how to make any necessary adjustments (or you could just contact your irrigation specialist again.)


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