Tuesday, August 18, 2015


There are commonly two types of irises: bearded 'Iris germanica', and siberian 'Iris siberica'.

The bearded irises have long, swordlike leaves, and have large flowers. they need to be planted in well drained soil in a sunny spot out of the wind.

Siberian irises have grasslike leaves, and delicate flowers. They can be planted in generally poorer growing conditions and can stand up to the wind.

 Bearded                                                                                                                Siberian

Both irises have the characteristic 3 'falls' (the outer 3 drooping petals), and 3 'standards' (the inner upright petals). Bearded irises have a fuzzy portion (the 'beard') on the center of the falls                                         
Planting: Irises arise from rhizomes. Plant these so the top of the rhizome is just barely covered. Bearded irises can be planted in the spring or fall, siberian irises should be planted in the spring.

Dividing: divide bearded irises every 3-4 years whe the center is dying out. Replant with the flat side of the leaves facing the direction that you want to see the flowers. Siberian irises may last 10 years before needing transplanting.