Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Invasive Plants

Some of the nicest looking plants can become your enemy.  I recommend that you do a little research before you buy plants to know what kind of growth habit they have.  Many of the ground covers are invasive, which is fine if that’s what you want; but otherwise they can be very hard to control.  Also beware of which ones self seed, as unknowingly they too can overcome an area.   

Goutweed, ribbon grass, lily of the valley, snow in summer, and sea holly, are very nice plants but spread very quickly.  

 If you have a large plastic containers, like the ones trees are sold in, you can cut the bottom out, and bury it up to the top of the container.  Then fill it with soil and plant in it.  This will help to control its spread for the plants that spread by rhizomes (underground).

top photo:Snow in summer
lower photo: goutweed
photos by: Prairie Scapes

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