Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trees for City Yards

As you are deciding what trees to plant in your yard, some things you should consider are:
  •  the various branching forms (arching - weeping birch; straight - lilac; airy, open - maple; dense - evergreen.)
  • different shapes such as upright, vase, round, oval, pyramidal, columnar.
  • characteristic colored bark (copper, white, reddish, or yellow) and varying textures (rough, peeling or smooth bark surfaces). Even evergreens have different colored ‘leaves’ (blue spruce versus forest green junipers).

                                          with mature height (h) and width (w)

Coniferous Trees
Cedar- ‘Brandon’ (h=15' w=4'),
           - 'Techny’ (h=13', w=4')
Pine- Columnar Scots Pine ‘Fastigiata’(h=20',w=4')
        -Swiss Stone Pine(h=33',w=13')
Spruce- ‘Fat Albert’ (h=33',w=13-16'),
             -Columnar Blue ‘Fastigiata’ (h=15',w=13-16')
            - Montgomery’ (h=9',w=6')

 Deciduous Trees
Birch-‘Young’s weeping’h=13',w=13')
Caragana- ‘Sutherland’ (h=13',w=5')
Crabapple- ‘Strathmore’(h=16',w=13')
                  -‘Thunderchild’ (h=16',w=13')
                  -‘Royalty’ (16',w=16')
Crabapple -weeping-‘Red Jade’ (h=13',w=13')
                                 - Royal Beauty’(h=13',w=5')
                 -columnar- ‘Dream Weaver’ (h=10',w=3.25')
,                                 - ‘Siberian Crab-Columnaris' (h=23',w=7')
Hawthorn- ‘Snowbird’ (h=16'',w=13')
                - ‘Toba’ (h=16',w=13')
Lilac-‘Japanese Lilac Tree’ (h=20',w=12')
Maple- 'Baileys Compact Amur Maple (h=15',w=12')
Mountain Ash- 'American' (h=25',w=16')
                        -Columnar Mountain Ash ‘Fastigiata’ (h=20',w=7')
Nanyberry (h=10',w=7')
Plum (fruit)-‘Brookred’(h=15',w=12')
Plum (ornamental)- ‘Shubert Chokecherry’ (h=20',w=13')
                              - ‘Western Chokecherry’ (h=16',w=13')
Poplar-Swedish Columnar Aspen (h=40',w=4')
Sea Buckthorn (h=12',w=12')

Fat Albert Spruce
Swiss Stone
Baileys Compact Amur Maple: www.bronandsons
Japanese LilacTree:

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