Monday, March 2, 2015

Flowers and Activities to Attract Bees

Bees are the major pollinator of flowering plants. They gather nectar for energy and use the pollen for protein and other nutrients. Fragrance and color, except for the color red, draw the bees to the flower. If you want to attract these insects, here are some plants that you may want to add to your landscape. 
(I suggest that you plant them a distance from seating areas.)

 Aster, Cosmos, Heliotrope, Stock, Sweetpea, Zinnia, Poppy, Sweet Alyssum, Sunflower, Nicotiana, Sunflowers, Sage

Lavender, Bee Balm, Sedum, Yarrow, Goldenrod, Gaillardia, Daylily, Echinacea, Oregano, CatMint, Oregano                        

Willow, Cotoneaster, Crabapple, Cranberry, Raspberry, Lilac, Roses, Mock Orange, Honeysuckle, Nanking Cherry.

Things you can do to attract bees, from "the Toronto Beekeepers Cooperative:"
  1. Plant larger patches of flowers.
  2. Select plants that have a different bloom times, so there are flowers  throughout the season.
  3. Avoid using pesticides.
  4. Let some of the garden naturalize, encouraging bees to nest and tunnel without being disturbed.( Bumble bees nest in the ground. Some native bees build their nests in dead raspberry canes.)
  5. Provide a constant supply of water. A hive will consume about 1/2 liter of water a day. Put out small containers of clean water and float a small piece of wood in it to provide a landing strip for access.

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