Friday, February 6, 2015

Drainage Solutions for Downspout Problems

If you have problems with water from your downspouts discharging onto your sidewalk or driveway, here are 3 possible solutions.

1. You may want to consider an arbor. It can compliment the décor of your home, and provide an attractive entranceway, along with redirecting the runoff. 

2. Another solution may be a french drain.Basically, it’s a rock lined trench, containing a perforated drainage pipe, which carries water from a higher area to a lower area. You do need to ensure that the water is directed to a location on your property or out to a storm sewer, not to your neighbor’s property.

The trench needs to be about 10 -12” deep and decline at a rate of ¼” per foot.   Lay 2” of washed rock (no sand in it), then your 4” perforated drainage pipe, and top with at least another 2” of rock.  Landscape fabric should cover this, then your soil and sod.

The end location can be a dry well, which is an excavated hole about 4’ wide and 3’ deep.  (Check with your local codes for restrictions on sizing.)  It is filled with rock and topped with fabric and then soil.  This well lets the water return to the water table at a slower rate.  Dry wells do not work in clay soil.  Here you need to lead the water to a concrete lined pit with a sump pump, or out to a storm sewer.

In our ‘concrete’ worlds of driveways, sidewalks, and patios, much of our rain water is directed to storm sewers which carry the water to rivers.  Not much is directed downward to replenish the water table.  Wherever possible, use rain barrels to collect runoff or direct the water to a ‘dry well’ where it will get to our recycling center for water.

3. A grate built into your sidewalk.


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