Sunday, November 16, 2014

Value of a Landscape Plan for New Home Owners

One of the reasons most of us acquire a home is to enjoy a yard, no matter what size it is.
When purchasing a home, or having one built, most of the money goes into the mortgage, leaving little left to develop the yard beyond what is required to satisfy the developer. 
So what happens to the yard?  
Usually, the entire area is laid with sod (just to rid of the mud) and gradually favorite shrubs, trees and perennials are bought on a whim with little or no idea of a final plan.  I’ve done it myself.  Browsing in a garden center in the spring, you see an awesome plant, and the urge to buy is overwhelming.  When you get it home, you plant it where it looks right, at the size it is now; not taking into consideration of how big it will grow.  Then next year, you buy another and before you know it; you have plants that are overcrowded, or your window view is blocked, or you have a chaotic looking yard, and you are trying to relocate plants that may not survive a move.
Wouldn’t it be better to have an overall plan, so plants and permanent objects could be situated in the right location the first time?  With the help of a designer, you can create a future picture, incorporating your needs and desires, making your yard an extension of your living space- a place you can enjoy for many years!

As mentioned earlier, much of your money is tied up in mortgages.  It costs a lot to purchase the materials and have a professional landscaper come in to complete the work all at once.  But if you have a plan; you can complete it over time, by yourself or with professional help, as time and monies allow.
By implementing the essential or preliminary elements first, (such as decks and walkways) you can then start with the groundwork, such as amending the soil, positioning your planting beds, and adjusting the grade of the soil. Before the sod is laid, you may want to install irrigation and/or underground electrical lines, retaining walls or patios.
Since your plan is drawn to scale, with knowledge of mature plant sizes, your plants are selected according to the location, and will award you with year-round appeal.
By taking the time to create a carefully thought out plan now, you can save yourself time and money and get the yard you really want.
(Drawing from Booth and Hiss's book- Residential Landscape Architecture)

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