Monday, May 5, 2014

Container Gardening- Part 3: Planting

1.     Arrange the plants (while still in their pots) on top of the container. You will want a ‘thriller’- the tall eye catching plant, a ‘filler’- they fill in the middle ground, and a ‘spiller’- the plants that spill over the container edge.
For a front facing planter, you will want to place the ‘thriller’ at the back, with the ‘filler’ next, and the ‘spiller’ at the outer edge.
With a planter that you will see from all angles, the ‘thriller’ would be in the center, or just off center, surrounded by the ‘fillers’ and then the ‘spillers’.

2.     As you take the plants off of the container, you will want to plant the ‘thriller’ first. Holding the stem between your fingers, and the soil in your palm, tip the pot upside down and tap the bottom to loosen the root ball. As you position your plants, gently pack the soil around them to squeeze out the larger air pockets. Keep the soil at the same level on the plant as it was in the original pot. You can position the plants closely to give a fuller appearance. Continue to add your plants, along with the soil, so that when completed there is about 2 cm, or 1”, between the soil and the lip of the container.
3.     Try to keep the newly transplanted plants out of direct sunlight for a day or two, to help minimize their shock. You will want to fertilize them with a transplant fertilizer, like 10-20-10; and then change to a water soluble, all-purpose one, but only ½ strength, when new growth begins.
4.     Check your plants at least once daily and water when the soil feels dry 2-3 cm below the surface. Morning watering is preferred, if possible.
5.     Deadhead blossoms regularly so the plants will continue to bloom, rather than trying to set seed. 

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