Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Your Landscape - need some help?

As you anticipate the coming seasons in your yard, envision what you would like to see. It may be a deck or patio, a water feature, a play area, a flower or vegetable garden or some green lawn surrounded by beautiful shade trees.
It might be worth a few dollars to have a landscape designer come for a 2 hr consultation. This would give you some ideas of where to build those structures for present and future use, and to choose planting selections appropriate to your surroundings.
Or you may find you would like more detailed information and benefit from a full design. These are done to scale so you know precisely where to plant those shrubs and trees, where they can then grow undisturbed, while the rest of your landscape may change with your family’s needs.
Either way, it makes sense to get a professional opinion so you only spend the time and money once. 

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