Friday, April 25, 2014

Vegetable Gardening- utilize whatever space you have

Most of us think of a vegetable garden as a large piece of land with veggies growing in neat rows.  But you can blend vegetables into your flower beds or have them in containers on your patio or balcony.  Cherry tomatoes do well in large containers as do pole beans, English cucumbers, peppers, strawberries, and many herbs.  (They may need a support and remember to water them regularly as they will dry out faster in a container.)   You can plant lettuce, radishes, beets, swiss chard or spinach, and tomatoes in with your flowering plants.  If you replant lettuce every couple of weeks throughout the summer, you’ll have a continual supply that tastes much better than the store bought variety, plus you’ll know there are no chemical residues on the produce. 

                                               large garden.....vs......flower/garden box


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